Dear Caregivers, Relatives and Friends of Girls, who have or will begin their Menarche soon, Let's Talk, PERIOD. Make sure SHE is prepared for one of the most important milestones, in her LIFE, Her MoonSHINE, Her Menstrual cycle, her PERIOD because It is not JUST her Period. Stop waiting for its arrival. She is never to young to begin learning about the amazing changes that will occur during her pubescent stages of life and the roles and responsibilities that come with them.
In the African culture, Beginning her MoonSHINE (menstrual cycle) was a magical time that marked the beginning of her rites of passage into womanhood. During this time young girls would be taken to a sacred space away from the men and boys and be taught by women about their bodies and all the things that are important about being a woman. Jaha-Echols, Niambi (2008).

Today's society..., seldom or not at all. In this culture, our MoonSHINE (menstrual cycle) is not talked about, nearly enough. Even though our MoonSHINE is something sacred, that we share with other women, many of us are still embarrassed by it. Partly because many of us do not even know how our reproductive systems work. Let me help you have the Conversation, rather than the talk. Remember she is never too young to begin learning the importance of her amazing gifts and responsibilities. Her Womanhood Training begins in the Womb, with the choices and moves you make and continues, thereafter, in her own Rites. #Right

Make sure she Knows that there will come a time of noticeable outward change and the building of strong self~image is not optional. It is required. She must understand the physiology of her anatomy, as well as, the roles that we play in the structure of a healthy family and society. She must understand her responsibilities and how the choices she make today, can affect many generations to come. In the words of Jim Rohn, Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live. She must know and understand that! She must be taught to love, honor and protect her body, as it is the home of her Beautiful Spirit. #PERIOD. Stop waiting to have these conversations... Let's Talk, PERIOD, NOW! No more Stigmas. Damn the Taboos. Invest in Menstrual Health & Hygiene (MHH) Education. For more information, inbox us.
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Sooo! I have this 16yr old. We’ve always talked about her period when she starts, what her emotions would be. Blah! Blah!! She handle it better then me! This is her first time trying all natural pads. And she simple loves her products. I can’t talk for her but I’m so excited that she was very excited!
@mrmalcolm_17 Beautiful response. I’m so elated to here from a brotha! You are absolutely not overstepping your bounds, specifically, related to, recommending healthier solutions for the ladies in your life. I applaud your willingness to be present for them, open and attentive to their womb wellness. In order to alleviate the negative social norms around our MoonSHINE (menstrual cycle)etc and foster a supportive environment for HER it’s important to include Men and boys in the conversation. You initiating or leading this conversation with the question, helps girls and women, have a more positive experience. It proves it’s ok to speak on it and men support us. Thank you.
Thank you for this, Sister! This is so on point with what we need more of in our community. I began my MoonShine at the age of 11 and my daughter, at 10. I educate her on all aspects of the topic because I want her to thrive as a knowledgeable Queen in this universe. Education on all aspects; hygiene, etiquette, physical and mental is an intregal part of her HEALTHY growth and development. Thank you for sharing this topic with us.
You betta let em know ....! 👏🏾🤍 Time to be informed !
This is an excellent blog topic. It is well written and timely. I am a married man and a father of two teen age daughters. I grew up in a household of all boys. I have recently learned an immense amount of information concerning women's health. The woman's body is a divine creation. The function, performance and maintenance of the female body was always shrouded in mystery. The sisterhood protected esoteric knowledge from male interlopers such as myself. This article promotes knowledge and implementing healthier informed practices. When one knows better, one should do better.
I have found that doing better goes against "The CODE". Do I have the right to promote/enact "healthier" practices for my daughters that do n…